Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mondrian West Hollywood $270 off

Part of being stylish is promoting the appearance that you're a jet setter. This can be hard to do when the money you'd ordinarily spend in South Beach or Cannes is going towards making sure your electricity isn't shut off.

Fortunately for us, a lot of travel providers are having the same problems paying their bills, which means that you can find some real travel bargains this year if you look carefully.

The Mondrian West Hollywood Hotel, which just completed a $35 million renovation, is offering stylish suites on the Sunset Strip at the astounding price of $195 per night, through April and May. This price is an astounding TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY DOLLARS off per night. For more information on booking a suite, visit

Each suite features waterfall showers, floor to ceiling windows with panoramic views and flat screen TVs. My dreams of spending at least part of 2009 in a luxury hotel suite may just have come true. Now if only I can find an airline that has round trip tickets for seventy one cents, Hieu and I can blog in style.

Thanks to Dave Lee for the new logo/masthead! For more information on his services (including but not limited to graphic design, making me laugh, beating people at Scrabble and stuff I can't mention in polite company, e-mail And stay tuned for the Ten Pretty Girls tee shirts, which are in the works.

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