Thursday, April 24, 2008

8 inch heels at more than 50% off from Starlets and Harlots

There's something a little disconcerting about Gmail, which is how they use Adsense to "target" ads to you based on keywords in your private e-mail. Stevie and I had an exchange yesterday about the Screamer of the Week that featured the word "hooker" several times. Now, to my astonishment, today the ad space around my Gmail screen features a store called Starlets and Harlots. (Follow the link because harlots is spelled wrong in the actual URL.)

The Google bot at least deduced that I was purposely writing about catalogs or sites where you could buy hooker-wear, so it could have been worse-- they could have served up ads for escort services, I suppose. Anyway, I thought I was the queen of high heels (I have a pair of 5 inch platforms I wear all the time) but this site has stuff I've never seen before: a large selection of 8 inch heels. The photo above shows one of them, but they go on for pages and pages, and all of them are more than 50% off. (They seem to be marketing them to strippers and drag queens but I just had to write about this because I've never seen anything like it; I promise to go back to writing about cute things tomorrow!)

I'm a little afraid to post this and see what this post does to the ads around my blog, but here goes nothing! Seriously, though, this site also has a good collection of rockabilly clothes, punk rock wear, and Bettie Page tee shirts, so don't write it off just because there are a few scary items on there.


Anonymous said...

Ok that's hilarious!! I'm reminded of the time I searched for kobe beef on and the next time I logged on was greeted by an extreeeemely X-rated item (modeled after the porn star Kobe Tai, ahem). Apparently people who searched for "kobe" ended up purchasing *that*!!

Nancy said...

Oh, that comment should have come with a spew hysterical that there's a porn star named Kobe! And of course I'm dying to know what the X-rated item, but afraid to google it lest my Adsense problem gets worse!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I actually own the shoes pictured there in your blog and about 15 other pairs similar in height... I am an exotic dancer/stripper/peel artist, whatever you want to call it. Those shoes are part of our get up, because why wouldnt you want to attempt landing on a marble stage after spinning around a pole on anything but a pair of 8 inch stillettos? is my favorite website for what i refer to as my "stilts" (they are mostly sold over the web but there are a few stores here and there that carry them)...