Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Wedding Gifts I Wish I'd Asked For

Besides this blog I write for a number of other places, including guest blogging on LA Story, features on Zappos, and a column for Jamsbio, but one of my favorite places to write for is Associated Content because they pay you upfront and still give you a page view bonus. Here's an article I wrote shortly after my sister's bridal shower suggesting some truly useful wedding presents for a new bride:

Yesterday I went to my first bridal shower since my own thirteen years ago, and it got me thinking about the wedding gifts I wish I'd ask for back then. When I got married I was in my mid-20s and still living with my parents; I had never cooked a meal on my own, let alone managed a household.
Registering was fun but I ended up with lots of beautiful stuff that stayed in boxes in the attic for years. Meanwhile, I spent lots of money on the things I learned I actually needed.

To read the rest of this article go to my Associated Content page.

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